Executioners from Shaolin (1977)

In Kill Bill: Vol. 2 he who is to eventually be killed tells the Bride a story during a flashback to her training with a kung fu master named Pai Mei, played by Gordon Liu. The story goes that one day Pai Mei was walking down a road and, in a show of respect, nodded slightly to a Shaolin priest who was walking in the opposite direction. When the priest did not return the nod, Pai Mei went to the temple and demanded the priest's head, which he was understandably refused. To punish them for their disrespect he killed everyone in the temple from the students on up to the priests. Also known as Bai Me or Bak Mei, he is an actual historical (and somewhat mythical) figure that betrayed the Ming Dynasty to the Manchu, and is often portrayed as a bad guy with almost supernatural fighting abilities. That is definitely the case in this movie, where he is able to retract his nether regions, one of his two weak points, in order to capture an opponent's foot and ...