Soylent Green (1973)

There was a time when the big concern wasn't climate change or manmade global warming, but overpopulation. The concern was that the human race would grow so large that it would deplete most of the world of its resources, leading to the wealthiest people hoarding what is left and leaving a large portion of humanity to near starvation and systemic poverty. With nowhere to house people and too few jobs available society would cease to function. Harry Harrison's novel Make Room! Make Room! predicted this happening in the year 1999 with a worldwide population of seven billion and New York holding 35 million of those souls. It posited an idea of how life might be at that point. His novel was published in 1966 and a more scientific look at the problem, The Population Bomb , was published in 1968, predicting worldwide famine once the world reached a tipping point. Questions of population control and how it may affect what appeared to be dwindling resources (one of ...