The Last Dragon (1985)

When I mentioned that I would be watching The Last Dragon , my wife immediately mention Debarge's "Rhythm of the Night". I was surprised that she was aware of this film, since, although we both grew up in the '80s, I had never heard of it. Sure, "Rhythm of the Night" I have heard over and over again, and it was one of those ubiquitous songs of 1985. I just never knew it came from this movie. She was under the impression that it stars El Debarge which, thankfully, it does not. There is a brief segment of the music video being played, but that's about it. It is, however, as '80s as you would expect a movie with that song to be. It is also still quite entertaining. Leroy Green (Taimak) is a young man obsessed with martial arts. While training with his master (Thomas Ikeda), he manages to show that he is ready for the final level, known as The Glow, in which his spirit guides his body motions. Since he has reached this step, Leroy ...