Iron Sky (2012)

It has been nearly 75 years since the end of World War II, and the pure evil of the Third Reich still fascinates. Seemingly ordinary folk did unspeakable crimes, often against people who had recently been their neighbors. I often think it is because it shows how quickly the mind can compartmentalize, convincing a person that they are not "one of the evil people" when, in fact, they are. Another thing that still creates interest in the Nazis is that they truly got up to some weird stuff. Heinrich Himmler in particular was obsessed with the occult, and did have people under his watch searching for certain objects and proof that could help the German war effort. They also had the benefit of men like Werner von Braun, whose expertise in rocketry we eventually used to our advantage to jump start our initially bumbling attempts to match the early successes of the Soviet Union in space flight. While the truth is that, despite many advanced ideas, the ...