Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
There is one genre of movie I try to avoid whenever possible, and it is musicals. There are exceptons: My Fair Lady, Singin' in the Rain and, of course, The Rocky Horror Picture Show come to mind. Since I'm a guy, I know the first assumption is that I see something non-masculine about musicals. That's not really true. I just find them to be largely insipid, bottom-of-the-barrel entertainment. I am always happy when I run into one that proves to be the exception. That wasn't how I always felt about Little Shop of Horrors . It came out when I was in eighth grade, and I really, really wanted to see it, largely based on the fact that "Dentist!" got played frequently on Dr. Demento's radio show at the time. I remember the movie getting lukewarm reviews, but that wasn't something that would have phased me. What did, as usual for that age, is that cash flow was largely determined by allowance. It was still a point where movies were a fa...