Clash of the Titans (1981)
As a child I loved reading all the major Greek mythological stories. Hercules and Jason were great but, when it came down to it, the story of Perseus was always my favorite. It helped that I was also interested in astronomy, which is what led me to be interested in the myths in the first place. Unfortunately the Phoenix area has expanded, light pollution is worse, and I can no longer sit on a lawn chair and look up and see the brightest stars that make up Pegasus, Andromeda, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Perseus was always tricky because, except for Algol, the eye of the head of Medusa, it was always a bit fainter, as was Cetus. Still, I loved looking up and remembering the tale. Clash of the Titans came out at the time when I was still most interested in the stories. I knew nothing about Ray Harryhausen at the time. I remember the few toys Mattell made in connection with the movie in the stores and remember seeing the story books that were rele...