Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965)

I I have to say that I have loved Doctor Who from the moment I first saw it. It was on PBS, like most Americans got to see it, and it was John Pertwee as the third incarnation of the Doctor. I can't remember exactly what series it was, but it caught my attention at a young age. Which, I found out later, it was meant to, since it initially started off as a children's show. In fact, a British friend of mine still derides it as a kid's show and doesn't understand why Americans like it so much. I also don't think she likes science fiction too much. Yes, I'll admit, many of the earlier shows were a bit on the juvenile side, but the show quickly evolved into the video equivalent of gold and silver age science fiction. Yes, most of the science part is non-existent, but throughout its run the actors who played the Doctor and, to no lesser extent, the companions, have carried the show through the sublime and the ridiculous. Throughout the sho...