Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

More and more I have had the feeling that the Marvel movies are taking pages from the old Universal monster films. As those movies began to run out of ideas, became cheaper and tried to keep audiences, they spent more time trying to jam as many monsters as possible. Problem is, the promised creatures (usually the poor Frankenstein monster) usually got screen time that added up to a minute or less, while the big bad each time was usually another mad scientist bent on immortality, bringing a dead relative back to life or proving that they were the ones that could do what every mad scientist before them couldn't. Eventually the returns diminished to the point where Universal had no choice but to just start teaming them with Abbott and Costello and going full parody. Marvel hasn't reached that point yet, but I was afraid they might with Avengers: Infinity War . This movie is jam-packed with almost every superhero they could get together. Combine that with ...