The Irishman (2019)
Shortly before the release of The Irishman director Martin Scorsese made headlines with his comments showing disdain for the current state of cinema, largely aimed at Marvel and DC films. While all of his points were valid (and many have been voiced by myself and others), the way it came across was as a rant from an angry old man. It was one of the biggest "Okay, Boomer" moments of 2019. I think the reason some directors suddenly got their hackles up is, despite Grandpa Simpson way his concerns were presented, they contain more than an element of truth. Movies, from the start, have always been a way to make money. However, as with any visual medium, there are those who can do it better than others and turn out works of art that, coincidentally, end up making the investors happy as well. Martin Scorsese has been one of those directors, and his influence on just about any director from the early 1970s forward is unquestionable. Even if there is not...