Ice Cream Man (1995)

The first part of the 1990s was questionable when it came to horror. Part of the problem was that the franchises from the 1980s had run out of steam. Another was, as much as I like many of them, a tendency for horror films to go direct-to-video. When a studio doesn't have to try hard to get something out there, just making any sort of movie and concentrating on the box art to get stoned college kids to watch, the quality is going to drop. Because slashers were no longer a thing and viewership had changed many studios didn't know what to do with horror. There were successes here and there, but many of the beloved horror films of the early 1990s fall more in the category of suspense films that have some horror elements in them. Norman Apstein, aka Paul Norman, certainly had no idea what he was doing with the subject matter when he made Ice Cream Man . A porn director by trade, this was his only mainstream film, and it happened to be co-written by David ...