Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
I am often fearing that each time I review a movie from the Marvel Universe series that they are getting almost as repetitive as the movies themselves. In truth, there are only so many ways to rephrase my opinion that, while the movie is okay, I feel like I'm watching the same thing over and over again. It is for that reason I was really looking forward to seeing Spider-Man: Homecoming. The first two Sam Raimi directed movies were pretty good, even if the third was a silly mess that, instead of getting a chance for redemption, ended prematurely, with Andrew Garfield replacing Tobey McGuire in the role and beginning, again, with the origin story. The Amazing Spiderman movies represented some of the worst handling of a superhero franchise, and a third movie was ultimately scrapped. Thus it was nice when Spidey showed up in Captain America: Civil War , already bitten by a radioactive spider and whatever drama with Uncle Ben in the past. No origin, jus...