2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
2001: A Space Odyssey evolved from Arthur C. Clarke's short story "The Sentinel". It was fleshed out quite a bit in partnership with director Stanley Kubrick to bring the classic movie to the screen. There were some changes along the way, largely the fact that the novel takes place with Discovery going to Saturn and the Monolith that Dave Bowman enters being located on the moon of Iapetus. It was 1968, so as grand as 2001 's effects were, animating the ringed planet was going to be far beyond the abilities of Kubrick's effects crew. So, instead, the Monolith is found to be orbiting Jupiter. In 1982 Clarke published a sequel to the original novel called 2010: Odyssey Two and, to fit the more famous narrative of the movie, relocated Discovery 's location to between Jupiter and Io, with the Monolith still orbiting further out. While it sought to explain a bit about what happened to Bowman, last seen as a giant fetus looking down upon the Earth after bei...