Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)

I discovered the Black Mirror television series due to an episode of The Orville that had been similar in theme to one of its episodes. They were obviously not copies of either, but largely a reflection of fears of social media and modern American life. It was the first time I had found an anthology series in years that did what The Twilight Zone and Tales from the Dark Side did so well: take modern societal concerns and take them to extremes to great effect. Like most fans I have been waiting for the newest season, and so far what we got is a movie event. Not only that, but it takes it a step further, making the movie interactive. As predicted with modern media criticism, the fact that it does not reach some sort of pinnacle of perfection has made it an immediate target for hate and derision from a number of critics, which I hate to say is largely because most of them really got so involved in the gimmick that they didn't realize what the movie itself was t...