Alien: Covenant (2017)

The poor Alien series has been loping along for years, trying to get back the audience t has been systematically alienating since the third movie. Predator 2 hinted at bringing new life to the series by combining the two universes, but the resulting films managed to be a stain on both. It was in this atmosphere that there were some big hopes when Ridley Scott, director of the original Alien , returned to make the prequel Prometheus . That particular movie, though not a fantastic one nor the expected return to form (Scott, despite his clout, seemed to bow to every little bit of studio pressure), was at least interesting in places even if the resulting film was jumbled mess. It also suffers the problem of many prequels - trying to explain too much. The Engineers were much more interesting when it was just a mysterious, giant "Space Jockey" in his abandoned ship. The end of Prometheus promised that the lone survivor, Elizabeth Shaw, would be tracking t...