Macabre (1958)

Director and producer William Castle had been steadily making movies since the early 1940s. These ranged from romantic potboilers to crime dramas and, often, second- and third-tier westerns. He worked almost exclusively within the realm of the b-movies. His output was of varying quality but, by and large, entertaining enough to engage audiences. It didn't hurt that he was a pretty good director as well. What he is most famous for is the various gimmicks he used to promote his films. This began with Macabre . The movie itself is a pretty straightforward crime thriller with the usual labyrinthine storytelling of Robb White, but Castle managed to increase attendance with rumors that the movie was so frightening that audience members had passed away at showings. He worked that angle, often parking hearses or ambulances outside theaters showing the movie, hiring fake nurses and, although I'm sure they never had to pay out, offering real insurance pol...